Please download the subscription form, complete it, and email the form and your proof of payment to Irene Stewart parktownassociation@
Click here for the Membership form
Parktown is one of Johannesburg’s oldest suburbs, rich in history, and home to some of the most influential residents of the early city. Parktown has some of the most beautiful buildings and is a most desirable neighbourhood. We want to keep Parktown this way.
We are the northern “gateway” to the City which gives us an important place but it also puts pressure on us as the City grows and expands. A strong Association is able to represent the residents’ needs and expectations, and to communicate them to the City Council, Provincial Heritage Agency and other Governments agencies as required. We propose annual requirements for Council budgeting and planning input into the Council’s Precinct Plan.
- A strong Association is able to protect the heritage and character of the suburb for residents today and into the future.
- We encourage all residents to join the Parktown Association. Your financial support is needed to ensure we can employ experts for the suburb’s input into the Council’s Precinct Plan, to pay for legal council as required for DFAs and the property tribunals which happen regularly throughout the year.
- We encourage residents to give some time to the Association, be it an hour every couple of months to distribute the newsletters to your street, or as a Committee member.